Sunday, March 13, 2011

Laugh it up chuckles.....

I have decided....

Sometimes.... Life is ....

Hard, funny, unbearable, sad, gut wrenching, complicated, light, good, happy, energizing, disappointing.... (add emotion here)....

Life's Life

I forget this often... I need to be reminded often... My reminder this time came in the form of a toddler taking a giant dump on the bottom stair this morning sans diaper....




I have been letting Ms. Birdie Gail run around with no diaper in the mornings to get her prepped for potty training and as I was making my morning coffee and she was crawling down the stairs this morning i hear "mama mama mama" I go over to play a little peek a boo and the gate swings open with a poop smear on it.....

NO WAY...... i think...

Step... step... NO WAY...

The look on Ms. Birdie Gails face was PRICELESS! she had no idea what had happened... didn't know what to do..cry.... keep crawling down the stairs... she was... * perplexed* ....

In to the sink for a wash she went... then INTO A DIAPER(not that it matters now) and dressed for the day... I hurried to get it off the stairs as I have five more to wake that never look before they leap....


1. she pooped on the stairs.. how often do you wake up Sunday morning and before you even get a coffee get the opportunity to LITERALLY shovel SH&#?

2. The look on her face.... oh my....

3. This is the only stitch of carpet in our ENTIRE house... Everywhere else the floors are wood and wipe able... OF COURSE she pooped on the carpet.

4. Poop is just funny...

On another note.....

we had a little get together for my friends twins birthday this weekend...

I have included a picture of why i no longer make fancy cakes.... My friend Lisa is friggin' amazing... We took a cake decorating course together.. She has natural talent for cakes, I need to learn more skills to say the least....

The party was a hoot... we had a pinata... and played "Pin the tail on the stinky goat" my picture looked more like a goat than a donkey... so I added horns and odor lines... I think it will be memorable for everyone....

Whenever our families get together it is an instant party.... between us we have a dozen children and the hubbies are buddies so everyone has a friend.. its a good group...

Dan looked outside yesterday and said" look at how beautiful that is"

I looked and I didn't see it... I need to get over myself... there is beauty everywhere, i just have to want to see it....

I still refuse to lead in our home... i think that's going to stick..... i hope for good things.... i pray for others... not myself anymore... i give up on praying for me... i haven't learned what I'm supposed to, in order to move forward.... maybe one day...

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