Sunday, July 31, 2011


Lots of things are always changing around here, sleeping arrangements change, responsibilities change, lately and thankfully attitudes are changing.

I am trying my very best to be a better help meet to my husband. This means laying off and not questioning his every move. Giving my opinion when he asks for it. Now something magical has happened. He asks for my opinion. Before i would give it, tell him the way it was going to be and that was that, we would both leave the conversation irritated. Now he tells me what he wants to do I say okay and he says "what do you think about that?" I feel like he cares what i think and he is listening when i speak my opinion. It has made our days together so much more pleasant, and its such a simple change.

I am trying my best to be a better mother. Smiling more, speaking to my children in a kind voice. Giving them less choice so they don't get confused. With my older kids I see improvements in attitudes. However, in my younger three...... They are testing their boundaries.

Today is a brand new day. My 19month old is going to have a very bad day. At 3:45 today it will be official..... She will no longer be nursed. I am waiting until after church to spare passersby but today is the day. She is no longer in need of the nourishment, just the comfort. I believe there are other ways to comfort her so this week we will do our very best to be patient.. (cause she is S_T_U_B_O_R_N) and she delights in screaming( the other thing that will be remedied this week)

I have changed my perspective. Instead of waking up thinking "oh my whats going to go wrong today? this is a crazy life, funny, but crazy" I have stepped back and begun to think of myself as Vice president of the Demarco entity.

As Vice- President i have a list of tasks that need to be accomplished on a weekly basis.
this week....

..... teach Birdie to consistently drink out of a sippy cup......
...... allow my milk to dry up......
...... Teach Birdie to sit in he car seat properly and get in without screaming.....
....... Help Ms. Prim to understand her boundaries....
........ Help James to understand that crying is a response to fear and pain not an accompaniment to breathing.........

It will be a full week but I CAN HANDLE IT!!! I can teach them, they will listen to me... I just have to be patient and keep smiling....

This week we will get our shipment of 100lbs of cherries, another schlerotherapy on my legs, a boy scout committee meeting, yard work... lots of yard work....

I'm actually a little excited to get started!!! Especially the non nursing part.... I love nursing... don't get me wrong but 19 months is enough.. I'm ready to move on, she will be too...

Wish us luck...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Right now... i wait

I am trying to be more positive... to look forward to more, to see the good in things. See the larger picture, CHOOSE MY BATTLES...

In the upcoming months we are going to be very busy. Now we are always busy, of course, but the busy i'm talking about includes leaving the house busy. Going to the beach, the Farmers Market, Big Dog heads to camp in a few weeks and when we pick him up there is a Rodeo, another Surgery for me, two Audiology appointments, Family pictures,a trip to Medicine Hat (we just booked the hotel!!!), a trip to three different Hutterite Colonies to visit family.

Aside from that its processing season, apple pie mixes, cherry pie mixes, canning canning canning...
This week our cherries come...... 100 LBS OF CHERRIES!!!

That's quite a bit...

Our time at HOME will be full of planning, packing, unpacking, healing, CLEANING(my favorite part by far), canning, yard care, work, work, and more work....

Its a busy life...

I find that my children are very well behaved when we go out if its a seldom occurrence. But as they spend more time out they see the world around them reacting and they start to try to "fit in". Yesterday while we were one had a crying fit... no actually scratch that TWO had crying fits, one was actually jumping from furniture piece to furniture piece at a friends home, and one literally would not let go of my legs every time i sat down (and it wasn't a baby), Birdie whips my tatas out of my shirt whenever shes in arms length, not to nurse, just to pinch or hold them....

Yesterday in my calm public demeanor my mind was screaming " WHO ARE YOU CHILDREN!!!"

This is not how we behave... well that is how Birdie behaves... but i'm working on that...

The rest... ugggg... lacking structure, discipline, a wholesome diet maybe? Whatever it is .... it stops today...

Family meeting to explain things, and a Stern.... "I will pack all of you up and leave if it gets out of hand"... the unfortunate thing is that this happens... the kids need that structure of a steady home life and a routine day... but our life wont allow for that right now...

market Saturday...... Church Sunday....... Monday Beach.... Tuesday my surgery, kids at a friends house... Wednesday ... haven't got that far yet.... its a busy life...

So right now we are enjoying the opportunities we have, hoping everyone will keep on track and looking forward to a quiet day around the house.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The beach...

I am counting the days until we leave for my blessed birthplace... but there are so many days to go... i needed to seek water. A friend and I decided to have a beach day, a lake about 110km round trip was calling us. So we packed up our 11 children (come home D we miss you) and two nephews and FILLED my 15 seater!! The first time ever! and headed to Rowans Ravine (Lost Mountain Lake). We picnicked, played on the park, made sandcastles, all the kids made it into the water,

casualties.... none

injuries..... one fingertip scrape, one bee sting, and maybe a bit of a sunburn on one or two kids..

It was a VERY successful trip... we headed back to Southey for dipped cones, and then dropped off 7 kids and a mama and headed home...

where the storm started... hail, rain, lightning, thunder, we ended up in the basement  for a while because there were tornado warnings for this area. But as fast as it came it went... just long enough to keep me from heading to a Usbourne book party i had an invite too and that mom had taken the night off to sit for.. But that's just the way things go. (every time it seems)

Blessings for your day

Monday, July 25, 2011

School in July

My silly little homeschoolers have been complaining....


WHAT!?!? they have literally begged me to continue school... they miss it.. they are lost without it. maybe they are lacking the structure of the day... whatever it is they want to learn.

So I signed them up for a website that has a very good basic curriculum for each grade level and they have been doing that about a half hour each day.


So i have been doing crafts and colouring with them, reading books and cooking, all the things we normally do just more of it...


So i am headed online today to find a Rosetta Stone program compatible with our computer so they can start daily German lessons...


lets hope... cause i'm running our of ideas..

wish us luck


Yesterday was our first visit to our new church. We haven't gone to a LDS church in a number of years because the closest one to us is in Regina about 60 kms from home. Being without a vehicle that could hold us all we had never gone but since we got the new van we have been wanting to get back to church. We were going to go the week Superman was home but alas things get so busy and babies get sick and life just is "life" so we missed it. But this week i called the Bishops wife had a chat and told her we would be there.

The kids loved Sunday school! They loved their teachers, what they learned, getting all dressed up, the socialization. Fantastic. I met a lot of new people, so many in fact i can hardly remember half their names and after sacrament i kind of hid in the nursery with my two little ones. But I had a delightful time. I love the feeling in church, its Gods house and everyone respects that.. it feels like home to me.

That was super exciting... and when we got home we went to a friends house to swim (the kids.. not me) and had dinner... yummy Chinese...

The past few days i have been sick, vomiting and all sorts of nastiness, i hoped that maybe it was morning sickness but alas it seems not.. maybe an inner ear infection? maybe its mind over matter? anyways the gravols running low and i am hoping a reason for this sickness will soon appear...

Superman is at work for FOUR WEEKS this time... home for one week then back to work until October! that's not a lot of family time... which makes me unhappy but its for the greater good he assures me...

The days are currently full of just getting through the day... The kids are having a great summer.. We have visited the museum and Science Center, the pool in the city, backyard pools, had lots of quad rides. They are busy! They are rarely bored. Its just hard to keep up. Sweeping the floors 50 times a day, spills of watermelon and juice seem stickier when you add heat and flies in the wait, smells are a bit smellier in the heat and the lack of AC makes for a hard night sleep sometimes.. but this is our wonderful life. I don't want AC, maybe less farm flies would be nice but a screen door would be nice too...

ohhhh how I do babble...

Monday, July 18, 2011

My 100th post.. and a happy birthday boy...

Happy 100th post...

and Happy Birthday Big Dog... Today we celebrate!!!

and I couldn't even begin to express his excitement.... but pictures might do it....

This would be a VERY happy twelve year old holding his Air Rifle... He received 250 pellets yesterday and has already run out... He had a really fun day...

So photogenic!!!

This is his "Hunting" Cake My very first attempt at using Fondant and Gum Paste... He loved it, It was super easy to make... No screaming at the kids, no crying, the kids even helped a bit... it was an awesome project.

It started as a moose and somewhere in construction turned into a Mule Deer, then i couldn't get the antlers to stick so we decided that Mr. Hunter man had received a special tag that allowed him to hunt antler less bucks.... (theres always a story)

Mr. Hunter is leaning against a hill lining up his shot... but keeping warm by the fire....

My friend showed me how to make pine trees out of cake pops and i think they turned out well. When we ate the cake all the kids got a "Cake pop" they loved it.

We had friends over for dinner. The men all shot rifles and filled there bellies with an assortment of treats... all of Nathans favorites...


Corn on the Cob

Shrimp Kabobs

Roasted Potatoes

Deviled Eggs

it was a really great night. Nathan also got some new shirts, a compass, a first aid kit, a case and lock for his rifle, and a new book. Every time i saw him yesterday i got hugs and "I love you mom, your the best".. Hopefully that sticks for a while.

He was so happy yesterday, it was just a great day for everyone. Low stress, nice...

Superman flies back to work today, he will be gone for four weeks this time.. That's going to be a long haul for all of us. We have a busy month ahead. Nathan heads to camp in a few weeks, tons of yard work to do, danimals to keep, markets coming up, our canning season should start at the end of July here, i think i heard the first fruit truck is heading in on the 23rd with cherries and something else...

Its going to be busy busy...




Saturday, July 16, 2011

An update on children

We have finished our antibiotics and monkey boy is all healed... J bear however....... I thought was on the mend while he was on his broad spectrum aantibiotics, but now that hes off them and completely off milk ... the poops have come back with avenges. Complaints of a sore tummy have returned... we are back to square one... I have no idea what it could be... I really don't want to spend another day in the doctors office... he is not dehydrated.. he just has a tummy ache and the poops... he goes about 5 times a day and they have no form.... just liquid... i don't know what to do......


in other news....

Its Superman's week off... we have been doing yard work... cancelled our date to mow lawns (how romantic) and he is staying in for four weeks this time...

Nathans birthday is on Monday (dinner on Sunday so daddy will be around) and he is very excited. I am making his cake (with help from Guru Lisa) and it should be a fun day... hes gonna love his presents...

I will post pictures of the cake.

I`m pretty upset today so i think i will leave it at that. Just felt like checking in... fun fun

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Got MILK?????

This week I had to take two of our children to see the doctor. One with a fever and the other had diarrhea for 2 WEEKS!!! Monkey (the fever kid) has a throat infection and was given a broad spectrum antibiotics. Nothing new there. J Bear on the other hand, had been complaining of stomach pain and had been pooping 6- 8 times a day. I figured of course your tummy would hurt if you were pooping that much but doctor says

 "He is allergic to something"......


"Take him off all fruit, vegetables and Milk....."

"When the diarrhea stops slowly introduce these things back into his diet and look for more poops and upset stomach...."

Ummn... excuse me doctor.... all he eats is raw fruits and vegetables and he drinks about 32 oz of Chocolate Milk a day!....

"Well then ..... feed him something else!"

So we took the med to get the poops to stop... and i stared at him for a bit....

he napped.....

then he got hungry...

i tried to ignore him but he said he was hungry...

so i looked at him for a while longer and came to the conclusion that he would not have fruits or veggies. We tried toast (no go) crackers (nope) juice in a cup (he had a few sips)....

he was hungry....

he had rice...

but then bedtime came.... as it does every night only tonite was different from the last 900 or so...

tonight he had to go to bed WITHOUT MILK.....

it was rough to say the very least... he wept... he kicked... he screamed... he pouted... he was not happy...

The next morning he wanted his smoothie for breakfast... but what is a smoothie without milk, yogurt and fruit... its just an empty blender!!!

so he had DRY cereal...

this was not going to work for him or me...

Poor kid...

So i decided that we would feed the kid... raw fruits and veggies but NO MILK.... see what happens.... and he was good... lunch.... same thing.... still good.... dinner ..... still good.... then at bedtime he had half of grammas tea with skim milk and WHOOSH... in 20 minutes or so he was on the toilet and rubbing his belly, cramps, pains, awful for a few hours.....

Next day... more fruit and veggies, and NO MILK..... poops are good, tummy doesn't hurt... he grabs Robins sippy cup of chocolate milk and chugs it.... 20 minutes later... doubled over on the couch... tears.... poops....

I think we are seeing a pattern...

But we were still having an issue with the no baba at night....

So i bought Soy milk and it went off without a hitch... I'm not a big fan of soy and when i get to the city i will pick up Rice milk and see how he likes that...

And so we have a child with an allergy...

Allergic to MILK!!!

Growth and change

We are always growing... Our family grows, our children grow (much faster than we would like), our faith grows and shrinks at times, things develop, things change... its the way life goes...

Do you invite change or is it just a given?

Lately i have invited it, begged for it, prayed for it, tried to fake it, and even asked my kids to pray for it. I need some change!

Now of course things are changing, the summer has arrived, the yard has overgrown, the lambs and calves are becoming less of a full time job, things are always changing. I am changing.. I am becoming more reliant on my faith, more seeking to God and not my surroundings, more of a help meet, more conscience of my job as a mother. But I want things to change faster!

I want to wake up tomorrow and have the patience of Job... the ability to smile because i am joyful ALL THE TIME!, to be more energetic, to not have a sore back, to plan our day and have it work out... I want to be meek and serving, not to feel put upon, I want to be positive, light, carefree, happy.

At this point I am trying to change my habits to those with the above traits. But it is a slow slow slow process...

Just keep on truckin' i guess... i know it is something that is learned for those of us not blessed with such traits, i just wish it would come quickly.

I am busy all day long. I know we are raising a family and that keeps a gal busy. I know my work is worth while, i know what i do everyday makes a big impact on my family, I KNOW...

But at the end of the day.. Something is missing. maybe its my acceptance, maybe its that Superman's not here to share it with, maybe i have forgotten something that needs to be done, maybe its a baby.... Its something.... I just cant figure out what it is....

Until we receive that blessing i guess i will just have to MISS something....

but its not fun...

it keeps you up at night, it wakes you up early, it makes you want to do more, seek more, help more, be more, so you can figure out what IT is... But you never figure it out...

I welcome you "IT"!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

A wedding.....

Yesterday i received an invitation to a wedding




I am a little excited....

We think we will be flying (a four hour trip) rather than driving (a 3 day trip)....

and renting an econoline in Victoria when we arrive. It will be so nice to be back on the island. To see the ocean, and smell it... To let the kids play in the sand. To hike Englishman river park, mini golf at Rathtrevor, hit the coombs market, hike my aunts back yard!

Its going to be so nice to be away from here, I like our home but i would REALLY like a change in scenery even if its only for a week or two... and that's the best part it will be 2 weeks on the island NOT three days driving for 8 days there and 3 days home so we can rest a day before everyone has to go back to work and things...

I am actually excited for the end of summer this year. It will be very different this time.... We will be guests there.... Papa isn't there anymore. Cousins aren't there anymore.

Its just different.... I guess thats growing up, but in some ways it makes me sad...

But it will be so nice to see the family we do have there. I am looking forward to hearing my aunties giggle (she has the most contagious laugh.... much like my grammas) and the farty noise she makes when she tries not to laugh but cant hold it in... shes a neat lady.

I am looking forward to meeting my brothers family to be. I have met his fiance and step son but not their family.

I am looking forward to seeing my brother.... He is such a pain in the ass, he offends me every time we talk, but hes my brother and i would take a bullet for him... (hopefully i wont have too) Hes funny, he makes my kiddos laugh, he is like this gigantic teddy bear, my kids think hes funny because he calls them "muffin" when they whine.. Hes a good guy, i'm glad hes found somebody...

I am looking forward to going to the Calico Cat to get my tea leaves read... I do it every time we are there. I think its fun. She told me once that the man i was going to marry was going to have a big truck and wear a silly hat... We were going to have seven ruff years and then it was going to get a lot better for both of us, because we would understand each other.... And if any of you know Superman you know just what hat she was talking about!!!

Fedora anyone??

I am looking forward to going to the MUSE (a shopping community in downtown Nanaimo) to go to mad about EWE... and Lobilias Lair... ohhh it will be such fun....

84days until departure...... WOOO HOO!!!

Todays not just another day is it?

I have been reading a book, Created to be his helpmeet by Debi Pearl, Its a christian based book about how to be the best wife you can be.

When i first started reading it, i had my defenses up, SUBMIT to your man?? Offer to take off his shoes at night? are you serious? Make the children believe his is the most perfect dad ever even when he isn't???

I was perplexed....

After lots of prayer and thought i am starting to see the light. Lets think shall we... Without daddy we would have.... ... I would have no best friend, No one to look forward to coming home, No one to tell me I'm pretty, No way to pay the bills, no daddy for our babies, no one to lift the heavy stuff, or bring me back down to earth when i get crazy ideas...I wouldn't be able to home school our children, fix their teeth, send them away to camp, even keep the lawns mowed...

I would be lost without him ...

So really is it so much to look nice when hes home, make him a nice meal, mind my ps and qs and let him tell me about his day before i tell him about mine? Really our situation is a bit unusual because our time together is 14 days gone and then 6 days of 24hrs a day contact then another 14 days gone.

So i would have to keep up this beautifulness for a week straight but lets face it... i have dreads... theres not a whole lot of style there... so to throw on a dress or a skirt instead of a pair of jeans isnt that much trouble is it?

Not really...

So i bought a few dresses... actually a dress and a skirt and two girly type shirts.

The skirt... (my size) is apparently NOT my size because i bulge and its really icky... one of the shirts managed to make me very self conscious about my arms because they barely fit through the holes... the other shirt.... looks super nice...

The dress... I will wear for years to come i am sure. Its pretty. Knee length, navy blue with white polka dots, rather vintage looking. I like it. So now i have to lose a few lbs around the center and get into that other skirt...

Back to the book...

Honor and Respect your husband. Sounds obvious, obviously you respect your husband right?? I mean everyone deserves dignity, respect and to be treated in an honorable way. I treat everyone with honor....

or do I??

I have contemplated and came up with some embarrassing facts...

I swear at my children on occasion...
I put myself before my husband most of the time but for some weird reason i never put myself ahead of our children...
I resent having to repeat myself.
I prefer not to be alone with my children when we go out
I belittle them..
I use guilt to get my way...


I am trying to change these things... no ones perfect... we could all use a little work and so

I am cheerful (even when i don't feel like being cheery) I smile, I praise them all as much as i can.
I am stern... I no longer expect them to remember anything i have told them to do so when i need something done i expect it done RIGHT NOW! (brush your teeth, bring your laundry down)
I am trying to put my husband ahead of myself, this is probably the hardest thing to do for me. Because most of the time he isn't here to be put first. However, When he IS here we will work by his schedule, do what he chooses and do as he asks of us.

One part of me says "Good, your finally getting this grown up thing, your gramma would be proud."

The other part says "You what? This is NOT the way your mama raised you, stand up for yourself woman!"

But for now and hopefully for good i will ignore the later and focus my efforts on being his helpmeet. Who knows it could end up being just as glorious and blessed as the bible states.... and that is something I WILL be very proud of.

Blessings to all