Sunday, July 31, 2011


Lots of things are always changing around here, sleeping arrangements change, responsibilities change, lately and thankfully attitudes are changing.

I am trying my very best to be a better help meet to my husband. This means laying off and not questioning his every move. Giving my opinion when he asks for it. Now something magical has happened. He asks for my opinion. Before i would give it, tell him the way it was going to be and that was that, we would both leave the conversation irritated. Now he tells me what he wants to do I say okay and he says "what do you think about that?" I feel like he cares what i think and he is listening when i speak my opinion. It has made our days together so much more pleasant, and its such a simple change.

I am trying my best to be a better mother. Smiling more, speaking to my children in a kind voice. Giving them less choice so they don't get confused. With my older kids I see improvements in attitudes. However, in my younger three...... They are testing their boundaries.

Today is a brand new day. My 19month old is going to have a very bad day. At 3:45 today it will be official..... She will no longer be nursed. I am waiting until after church to spare passersby but today is the day. She is no longer in need of the nourishment, just the comfort. I believe there are other ways to comfort her so this week we will do our very best to be patient.. (cause she is S_T_U_B_O_R_N) and she delights in screaming( the other thing that will be remedied this week)

I have changed my perspective. Instead of waking up thinking "oh my whats going to go wrong today? this is a crazy life, funny, but crazy" I have stepped back and begun to think of myself as Vice president of the Demarco entity.

As Vice- President i have a list of tasks that need to be accomplished on a weekly basis.
this week....

..... teach Birdie to consistently drink out of a sippy cup......
...... allow my milk to dry up......
...... Teach Birdie to sit in he car seat properly and get in without screaming.....
....... Help Ms. Prim to understand her boundaries....
........ Help James to understand that crying is a response to fear and pain not an accompaniment to breathing.........

It will be a full week but I CAN HANDLE IT!!! I can teach them, they will listen to me... I just have to be patient and keep smiling....

This week we will get our shipment of 100lbs of cherries, another schlerotherapy on my legs, a boy scout committee meeting, yard work... lots of yard work....

I'm actually a little excited to get started!!! Especially the non nursing part.... I love nursing... don't get me wrong but 19 months is enough.. I'm ready to move on, she will be too...

Wish us luck...

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