Monday, May 30, 2011

My babies have been sick...

It happens every spring and fall....
Twice a year everyone gets sick...

This time i moved a mattress into the living room, got everyone a pillow and small blankets and kept the powerade and freezies on ice...

It was rough..

The worst part is getting up to serve others when you have a mild case of it your self... you look at them sleeping and your envious. you don't cook dinner because they aren't going to eat and you cant remember how to cook for one or two people ....

You do your best, you try to remember that they wont be sick forever...

I think one thing that i especially like about being a mom of many is you rarely get sick.. It is amazing how well your body can hold it together when you are to busy to wallow in yourself.

First was Jacob, then Catherine (still Jacob), then James and Grace (still Jacob) and then to finish it off Nathan and Robin took the torch last night...

I wonder how Jacobs feeling this morning..

Well this week will be a busy one but I am looking forward to having Mr. Rigger home.

We are fencing this week (we have the post pounder rented for two days), we will be cross fencing our place and putting in the posts for moms fence as well.

Mr. Rigger is taking the boys to pick up a Quad. That should be fun, i just pray it runs. We have the worst luck with things like that.

The Community Market is this weekend and it falls on the same day as the Community garage sale so it should be a very busy one. (Here's hoping)

Big Dog has a dentist appointment,the children are still recovering, Mr. Rigger has plans for the garden he says... There is weeding to be done, mowing, feeding, housework... as always a busy one...

Hoping you and yours are well...

Maybe once i get a bit of sleep i will be back to my half nuts sarcastic self again, sorry for the boring posts lately...

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