Friday, April 22, 2011


Over the past four weeks Big Dog and I have been attending a Saskatchewan Hunting Safety Course. It was two nights a week for 2 1/2 hours and last night we had our exams....

Big Dog...
Practical 88%
Fire Arm Safety 88%

Practical 96%
Firearm safety 92%
Hunters education 91%

Congrats to Big Dog... He will be receiving a BB Gun for his birthday in July if he doesn't save up and buy himself one by then. In the camp he attends this summer he will be able to participate in Rifflery. He is super excited!

I am glad we had the opportunity to learn something together. He did very well... We had stopped y to see Gramma just before our test and while there he pet the cat... He managed to do both exams with his eyes half swollen shut and having a hard time breathing, sneezing, watery eyes.... hives on his forehead... he was a mess.... but i am very proud of him.

We have to wait for our certificates to come back which we are told takes a few weeks, then I am able to apply for a PAL and he will apply for a minors license and then to the firearm store we will go.

I am thinking for myself, i will purchase a pump action shotgun. In theory if i ever was in need of using it to protect our family (God forbid) then the scary kshh kshhh it would make as i merrily asked the person to leave would be helpful i think.....

Good times.....

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