Has someone ever asked you "What did you do yesterday?" and you get that so "Put on the spot" feeling that you cant actually even remember what day it was yesterday? What day it is today? Where your children are? If you left the stove on?
That happens a lot to me.. i usually say... "not much" but yesterday was a huge day for me. We awoke at 5am and i fell into bed around 11 pm... I never sat down all day... but i did lean up against the co ops counter and while waiting for the guy to finish pumping my gas..... i think i had a nap... SERIOUSLY.... I heard the door open lifted my head and there was drool all over his counter.... Note to self.... next time bring a drip cloth....
Anyways... what we did yesterday... NOT in chronological order!
The bread was baked by 1.
(Big Dogs Dragon)
We Crafted... well actually they crafted... i just made the dough and worked the oven...Salt Dough... Great idea Ms.Prim! Kept children entertained just long enough to teach a calf to drink from a bottle.
Ms. Prims "Pancakes" and Mrs. Proper "Snake"
Monkeys "Snail" and J-Bears "Glob"
Salt dough is super fun and super fast! Today they kids are going to paint them... I don't like when the kids paint... its a bit messy with 6 of them but maybe i can convince them to do it outside... here's hoping!
I had some petunias on my racks in the windows that looked pretty sad so i decided to fill up four of the barrel planters we have... Hopefully with a little of natures love they will perk up....
At 6am i drove mum to work and headed to a farm outside of Fort Qu'Appelle to pick up some more cows.... four more..... and this time Holsteins.....
I did it all by my self... with three kids in tow....
This is Silva... So named for his silver smoky eyes... yep.. i think hes blind... His is three or four days old... this morning was our first super successful feeding... He was lapping from a bucket when i picked him up but until this morning it didn't dawn on my that he needed the bottle instead to get a really good feeding. But he is skittish (could be the blindness) he does come when he hears my voice though... i hope he will be okay, he seems stronger today than yesterday... I live Silva....
This is Urinest...... great name huh! Yes Urinest is always urinating.... he is two weeks old, laps from a bucket and peed on your boots (Your 300.00 Dr. Marten cowboy boots!!!) if you stand to close.... Urinest is quiet and timid... he is not so easily spooked, hes the guy urinating, what seems like all the time... maybe he suffers from weak bladder muscles... seriously its like a continuous flow... weird
This is Posey, He strikes a pose... he looks adoringly into the camera, he is a poser!
He is also two weeks old, laps from a bucket but is a little skittish... he will like me one day..
This is Boone... Boone is about 48hours old, when i picked him up the man at the dairy said he needed more colostrum so he gave me some to bring home and i warmed it up to feed him... but he doesn't suck... who knew they had to learn that, after about an hour of trying the milk was cold, i was covered in ewwwwww... and the cow was un co operative. I went inside to make salt dough, Big Dog came in and suggested we try feeding him again... I was at a loss.. knowing nothing about these things, i have never taught anything to suck before... with a pep talk from Mr. Rigger about lying by him, prying his mouth open with my fingers, and massaging his neck and jaws to encourage his muscles and so forth i went out... with everything i needed to bottle or tube feed him if necessary... but with Mr. Riggers voice in my head i massaged jaws and necks and voile! He drank all his colostrum... Last night was a challenging feed again, more massaging and encouraging, but this morning he was a willing participant, he latched on and drank right away... So as homage to Mr. Rigger we named him Boone (Mr. Riggers middle name) I thought Dan would be a silly name for a cow...
We mowed lawns... the lawn that isn't under water anyway.... We did in between all the trees and around all the corers, cleaned the yard in preparation to mow...
There is nothing better than a rider mower and an MGD people... ohhh its one of my favorite things about the warm season... Maybe there will be more to mow today!
Why do the dishes never end?
I did get my dishes done.... floors swept and washed, deck cleaned off, all the yard tools put away.... Tidy tidy tidy....
The other animals were tended to and all daily chores were completed, the children ate three meals and snacks and all boo boos were kissed and cleaned, they all had bathes and laughed a lot today...
40 Strawberry plants.
The seasons Kohl Rabi, Romaine, Cauliflower, Spinach, broccoli...
about a 10x20 gardens worth....
And this is me mid day... before the MGD... i think if you loo closely you can actually see that my eyes are pointing two different directions.... Last night i was tired....
Just another day on the farm.... Now its time to stop blogging and get back at er' wonder what i should do today...
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