Awww yes...
When we moved this lovely home on to its foundation we realized OOOPPPSSS...
it doesn't we had the movers put 75% of the house on its foundation and we made walls where it didn't fit... Obviously our math sucks....
So, that's okay but unfortunately some places the foundation was to large so it leaves a landing for water to collect on and leak into the basement...
The first year... it leaked on all sides, i ended up clearing our and closing off one bedroom, the basement was damp and it rained onto my kitchen table one day through a ceiling fan....
We got a new roof... a beautiful double nailed (using 6 nails per shingle instead of three) awesome roof..
It is nice and dry upstairs...
I love that...
But as the months have passed i have of course forgotten about all the basement leaks and OF COURSE i have piled all my crap right under the leaks so that one morning in the spring when i am stiff as a board i can awake at 5:30 am to have to move all of it out of the way...
Because that constitutes a super fun day to me...
My other drama for today was bringing Birdie down this morning and thinking... can you hear that??? it sounds like there is a bird in the house.... tweet tweet... WTH? a sparrow on my ceiling fan.... and as i put my boots on to go out for chores... two more fly past my head and straight onto the couch that Birdies lying on...SHRIEKING begins... mud all over the floor from my boots trucking through the house... to save the baby... so she helped with chores...
The garden is all planted... my delusions of grandeur have ceased, Mr. Rigger can plant more when he gets home if he wants but I'm done... All 20 tomatoes have frosted, the cauliflower, romaine, lettuces, and kohl Rabi i planted last week has yet to sprout(indoors it only takes a day or two)so i don't know whats wrong there... I lost half my pickles...
Onions are good.... Radishes are sparse but some are growing... Strawberries look good (not sure if they will produce the first year) Berry bushes are alive (full of weeds but alive)... Got a make shift fire pit built yesterday with the bricks that lined my walkway last year.
So today...
There are buckets catching rainwater in the basement
The chicken count is down to about 25..
I am not planning on doing anything today... that could make for a really rough one..
Hoping your spring is more delightful than mine.
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