Awaking at 530 this morning was rather difficult...
Even my eyelids don't want to work today, my goodness i'm tired..
We got more bottle fed babies.....
this time six lambs... five to be butchered in the fall....
Lambs are so cute and cuddly and fun and Birdie isn't afraid of them(the shrieking has ceased, thankfully)
The downside to lambs it they bottle feed every six hours...
So the best i can do is as follows.
530- bottle feed Calves,lambs, feed/water chickens, give a bail/grain/water to sheep/goats
1200 Bottle feed lambs, check chickens.
600 Bottle feed Calves and lambs, check chickens, grain/water for goats/sheep.
1000 Bottle feed lambs and tuck everyone in for the night.
Its a lot of work, i'm thankful i have help from gramma this week. It is rather difficult to maneuver six bottles at once, or keep straight which ones you have fed.
This week is going to be a busy one... hopefully planting out all my plants from inside, build a creep feeder, muck out the chicken stall, mow, weed, work out side for every moment we can!
As much as its a lot of work and my body is not really co operating, I love to be outside with the kids... That is so not me! This is the second year i have actually gone outside willingly without Mr.Rigger or the kids dragging me. But the winter was long enough this year that it makes me want to be outside all that i can. Its a good time.
without further ado...
Look how little they are..... only up to birdies waist...
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