Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What to do... What to do...

So I found the energy to make my to do list last night and i had an Epiphany....

It looked something like this..

Build cabinets for the kitchen
Fix mower and mow for hours and hours
Reconstruct laundry room (having dressers in there rooms has made 7 loads a week go up to 11)
Clean off the deck
Write and submit the kids PVSD annual report and curriculum plan for next year
Rip out the sink counter so the addition can be rebuilt when Mr. Rigger arrives
Weed my garden for hours and hours

Hey... Cat.... Get up off the couch and stop writing lists..... DO SOMETHING!!


It sucks when you know you have no energy and you know you are being lazy and YOU KNOW that is just not acceptable...

I have a friend coming over today to hang out and i am a little embarrassed.. my lawns are awful, my garden is buried under mounds of weeds. I haven't gone outside in over a week and the whole place has gone to crap! Quite honestly i could just pull the blinds and ignore it until Mr. Rigger gets home but i really want him to spend his time doing other things while he is here...

Really i need to get up and start moving... I haven't done much this week and now i will have to do double duty if i want to get it under control.

This is a ridiculously busy time of year, but i cant seem to be able to find those corners that can be cut... I barely have the energy to lift my arms....

Faith .....



That's what i need to get it all done....

I hope the Lord has as forgiving a spirit as the Bible says.... Last night i literally passed out while i was saying my prayers. What can i say..... eyes closed, arms crossed, and the house quiet...

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