Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The farm thing...

I smell like poo....

all the time...

That's life on the farm i guess...

We have 10 lambs.... 5 cows..... 3 old sheep... 4 goats.... about 10 cats.... 2 dogs


Holy crap!

No wonder I'm tired and pissed off!

So in my always searching for a small business mind, i had plans.... Butcher the boy lambs... Fill the freezer and have some Christmas/birthday gifts, and hold back the ewes for wool and to eventually breed. The calves i was going to stud out or hold back and feed over the next year so they could feed us next year and be a decent size come butchering time... The older sheep are good for wool and the goats are lawnmowers.. no good for meat, they just hang out....

However in lue of my reality that winter will come and be just as cold as last year... I dont know how i will manage all of these things in the cold. I have banned children's chores so it is all me and gramma doing it (with help from Mr. Rigger when hes home) and i quite honestly HATE WINTER...



That's a pretty harsh way to put it but thems the breaks...

All the lambs will be butchered....

The calves sold at auction

the large sheep butchered...

the goats sold at auction...

the Kitty's can stay as long as they keep the mouse population down..

the dogs... guard me... they can stay.

There will be no hauling buckets of water, freezing water, picking animal noses or treating animal frost bite... No trying to dispose of frozen carcasses, no chasing animals off the road that managed to walk up the snow banks and OVER the fences....

I'm not having it!

I will smell nice for at least a few months this year..... I HOPE!

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