Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Because I am soooo computer illiterate

I posted this to my other blog the other day... the one I haven't written on since forever and i was thinking it was pretty important.. to me.. so here it is

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A renewal of faith....

What is the definition of insanity?? I have never actually looked it up but as the saying goes "its repeating the same action expecting a different reaction of outcome". And so the insanity begins. I am going to blog, often... and this is a big deal because other than cook, change diapers and do laundry there is not a lot i do get to do often...especially for me.

BUT, I have heard people call there blogging time "ME time" and i like it! Its cheap... don't have to leave home and i can do it whenever i feel the need.... Not many things in this life hold true to that!

Now if I can just put my pictures on here that would be great.... priorities... priorities..... I have two laptops (macs ) and a PC that all have pictures on them... i need to organize things!

So it begins...


I need to think of "Stage names" for my children.. I think the little guy.. definitely J Bear (compliments to the eldest for coming up with that one) and the rest hmmmmm...

Starting our garden in the spring will be fun it is planned to be over an acre this year... that's a lot of weeds! But hopefully that will be a lot of preserves and will bring down the grocery bill substantially.

I think that we do pretty well budget wise...but i know there are many families with more kids that do a lot better.

For a winter month though...

1300.00 on groceries, toiletries, etc... (I cloth diaper and use cloth wipes)
400.00 on gas for our F-150 ( We are looking to buy a 15 seater!! wooo hooo!)
Hydro runs us about 9000.00 a year.. they only bill us once a year but we PRE pay so we don't get a 5000.00 bill at the year end. (wont let that happen again). oh and keep in mind EVERYTHING we have is electric including all appliances and furnace. so say 750.00monthly
200.00 on cell phones (no land line)
lord only knows how much on Mr. Riggers travel and accommodations/food.
200.00 dental payments ( braces, braces, braces )
300.00 debt repayment
1000.00 debt repayment
200.00 insurances
50.00 hauled water

and i think that's it...

is that a lot ?

4400.00 / 8 people = 550.00 month per person

126.92 per week per person.

I think that's pretty good... but i think if we halved the food bill it would save us 7800.00 per year! we could support three more babies or a soon to retire mum for that... (well maybe not my mums a little lavish )

more to come.... i promise
Sooooo... more housekeeping... if anyone is interested my other blog the one I never write at is Catsquiverfull.blogspot.com
there is a pretty hot picture of my hubby there doing his thang in the garden... hubba hubba... i love that picture!

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