Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ask for patience ....

I frequently ask the Lord for patience. Patience to make it through the day, to hear myself think when babies are crying and i'm trying to fix dinner, when the laundry piles up, when its busy and in a bout of selfishness I have allowed myself to get behind. Patience is what I need...

Yesterday was an awful day, everything snowballed and I had this weird sense of patience the whole day through..

We awoke at 630 I got all the kids up.. although they lolli gagged until 700. We ate and I got them to dress and settle. It was shopping day and I figured if I could run to the city with just two children and my mum watching the rest I could be home by noon and we could still get a full school day in.

The Lord had other plans for us ....

We hit a snow drift about 6 kms from our home on a gravel road. We flipped end over end and landed wheels down in the ditch. No one was hurt, just shaken. It was minus 30 out so I couldnt wait in the car for help, we went to the nearest neighbor to find an empty home, about 15 minutes later a car drove by...

I had forgotten my cell phone (for the first time in months)... Now a little background on Saskatchewan... we have gravel roads... unmarked gravel roads so to give someone directions to your home is sort of iffy... it sounds something like " okay you go five miles past the red train car and turn west on the road with the two reflective arrows then go north to the coolee to the T intersection head west and if you see the silage tank you've gone to far.... we are the first farm on the left" yeah... its iffy... so to give directions to someone elses home... or to the site of an accident would be just about impossible.

THANKFULY, a neighbor had left for work late.. we had never met until yesterday!

We got home and thought. what do you do when your in an accident? so we called the local insurance place for advice.. they said to call the RCMP, whose phone number is not 9-1-1 and is not listed under RCMP in the phone book... hmmm... they ended up calling me before i found there number...

They told me to take the kids to the ER, which I did... all is well... we are fine...

Now a little history.. the reason I was taking my mothers car to the city is because I had dropped my 4x4 in the ditch in our yard. So after the accident I had the tow truck come and pull my truck out of the ditch... to find.... A FLAT TIRE

Again it is minus 30.... the tow truck drivers air compressor is OF COURSE frozen and ours in the garage is not starting... he fills the tire the best he can and I pack the kids up and head to the gas station, fill the tire.. head to the ER... get out of the ER... tires flat.... re fill tire... drive home.... Cant get in driveway because 2 whell drive chevy blocks the driveway.... errgggg... hoof the six kids down the driveway in the dark to a nice warm home.... OH WAIT... its 54 degrees in the house!!!!!! The furnace which we just paid the electrician a 304.00 service call to fix....... yeah... it crapped out AGAIN.

So I tuck take the furnace wires to sit just the right way and it fires up.... the babies are cold... tired... Nathan and I have whiplash, and our home is sub zero..... What a day.....

I'm thankful today.... that our family is healthy, that our bellies are full, that we have such an abundant life and helpful friends, Im thankful for my mother (I TOTALLED HER CAR) Im thankful for Gods grace, he saved us, he kept our family together, he makes me patient, and who I am... it was a long day, but i think I awoke this morning with more patience and more appreciation for our life....

more to come

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