Monday, October 25, 2010


Somedays we really get things done. For example the other day, my mother, my children, my aunt and I built a chicken coop. How about that we built a small 6X8 home for the chickens that will be coming in the spring(or sooner for the right price!) It was an amazing day. We were highly organized, we put dinner in the slow cooker, put out snacks, made sure all was done and clean and the day was just a dream... However not every day is this way.....

Today.. I woke up ... I was angry... my house was a mess..... my children have been at eachother since 630AM... the baby wouldn't nap.... I dont think I brushed my teeth today (hmmm)... Now my house is somewhat clean, I didnt step outside all day. I was hoping that Mr.Riggers rig would be shut down and that he would come home a few days early but it seems unlikely and now moms gone to work for the next few nights and will only be by for coffee for the next few days... I'm bummed... I feel like I squandered my time with mum, we should have done something amazing today and been highly organized but I didnt make it out of my sweats, I forgot I didnt have any pizza sauce until everything was chopped thawed and ready to be made into pizzas ( we had eggs and pizza makings for dinner tonight )

Somedays are just long, others are short, some you wish you could have all over again and some you wish would just end. Somedays (this is hard for my to understand) are just to rest, to get nothing accomplished, to be disorganized, to be crazy.

Somehow though, we got an incredible amount of school work done today. With very little arguement. How odd. maybe it was my breathe that subdued them.....

Off to take on the night now.... the children are watching Zorro in another room, they get really into there movies so I guess i better get the first aid kit out.

Like all things.... this too shall pass...

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