I was in the garden today thinking about all the things I should blog about like why I love my sink so much. Not that its a special sink or has any particular gimmick to it but I love that it cleans everything so well. Our many dishes, each years harvest, Babies and toddlers that are way to big to be bathed in a sink, my hair on especially "haired" days. It just cleans and when your done it still looks shiny, and doesn't ask for much. What can I say small things amaze me.
Then I thought my garden would make an ideal post. It was full of so much harvest this year. Beans, Peas, Rhubarb, Cucumber, Zucchini, Carrots, Onions, Rosemary, Parsley, Squash, Pumpkins, Radish, and Potatoes (300 lbs of Potatoes!) And today while I was raking back the pumpkin plants to put them in the bonfire pile, i notice there were shrews running for cover. Now... hmmmm... Is my garden so very lush that the shrews are having a party in the amazing soil all around them? Is it that my garden has been so neglected these past few weeks that the shrews thought they could hibernate there for the winter? Or is our acreage being over run with Shrews! And then somebody needed a bum change and I lost the thought.
So many things to post about from our past, in a year we do SOOOOOOO much... But lets stay reasonably current.
I turned 29 yesterday.
You may laugh and say "Oh my she's young" but seriously it hit me really hard. I have always said that 30 is when I will stop having babies. Complications begin and for me it has always sounded like a good idea. I started having babies when i was 17 so 13 years seemed like a great time slot. However, looking at my kids I CAN NOT IMAGINE not having anymore or even just having one more... (I can just imagine every family member of mines Jaw beginning to clench) I want more babies. Now I don't specifically have to give birth to these babies but I would like to parent them. And it seems rather difficult and expensive to adopt in Saskatchewan so unless there's a grab and go baby store I don't know about, having babies is the way to have babies.
Oh another bum to change. Welcome to my ponder
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