Rather what was done this week would make for a better post. Let me just start by saying today was the most beautiful day! Sunshine, very little wind. We went for a walk, I sat outside and read some coursework while the kids played on the swings and generally ran a muck. It was a great day.
This week in general has been good. It had its pitfalls be sure but Superman and I had to talk about somethings to do with the kids education and social situations and I really feel like we talked. We managed to figure it all out, no hard feelings. No guilt, just two grown ups making a joint decision and sticking to our guns... That never happens with us. Usually there is blame or at least sarcasm and competition involved but this time.. Its all good. Mkes me feel a little old...
So as Big Dog is heading into Eighth Grade this coming year and he seams to be starving for peer interaction we have decided to put him in public school. For the long term. He seems excited and relieved at the same time Hes lonely and he needs to have friends. This way he will get a graduation certificate and a better chance at getting into a college in Canada. He will also be attending Summer Camp. He has gone for the past two years to a camp in Wolsley, SK he had a load of fun but it was a cowboy camp and thats just one thing he is not... a cowboy. So this year we are trying a camp located in the Qu'appelle valley that is more geared toward canoeing, sailing, and all things water... He will be sun burned but happy when he returns i am sure. Hes already talking about his image for school, what kind of clothes he should get, if he should dye his hair. He hopes his braces will be off by then. Frankly, so do I.. No one likes a spitter... Its much worse with the braces on...
As for our other children I scavenged all the catalogues and planned next years curriculum. Without having to buy new curriculum for Big Dog and using the same curriculum I used for his earlier years, with all new workbooks for each child my home school budget will go from almost 4ooo.oo to 350.00. Of course the clothing and all the gear for public school will cot something but I think I will still walk away saving a bunch.
On the pregnancy front those not so painless Braxton Hicks have begun and are hitting me with avengance... I must be really out of shape. Gives me time to practice breathing exercises i suppose. I feel huge and my leg looks a lot worse than it feels.. Yep.. this is the last trimester.We are thinking of a planned induction (the same thing we have done for our last two). Although we dont have to worry about getting there in a snowstorm, we will still need to worry about getting there. My mother is not taking time off and without knowing a when it would be unlikely that Superman would be around either. If I were to call my mother with a "My water broke" and she were at work it would take her about an hour and a half to make it to the kids, while I drive myself of IF Superman is around he would drive me in. Now I do have a friend in a nearby town that I am sure I could call on but with 6 children of her own i'm sure there would be delegating to do before she could get to me and get me to the hospital. The hospital is approximately 45 minutes away from my door to the ER or Main admitting door.. However considering my births average about 4 hours I believe that by the time i actually called anyone and believed that it was the real thing we would have about an hour until the pushing stage. It is not uncommon in this country to have babies in cars on route to the hospital... I DO NOT WANT THAT TO BE ME! So a planned induction at 38 weeks seems like the right thing to do. Have to see what the Dr says closer to i suppose.
Good tidings, the potty beckons...
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