So in having Six children i realize that 8 weeks is NOT a lot of things.... Its not worth a picture to show you how I'm "Showing". Its not counting kicks and telling you heart rates... with 200 some odd days ahead of us in this pregnancy it seems a long way off to D-Day.. But I'll tell you as a mom of many its not long off at all.
Now is a time of sickness for me.. But i will honestly take this over the third trimester any day. Some cramping, food aversions, nausea, and lightheadedness are what are days currently bring... Moodiness and tiredness plague our days but really its not so bad.
I have an Ultrasound Thursday to rule out Ectopic, due to past pregnancy. Once I see this little one in a good place, with those heart chambers swooshing blue and red, my heart will be set at ease. I will be calm....
Two more sleeps!!
Pregnancy is a fascinating time. I always change every pregnancy, i am a different person every time.. I have been the extreme natural pregnancy lady, the give me drugs and lots of them pregnancy lady, the ignorance is bliss pregnancy lady, the i only eat fruit because everything else makes me sick pregnancy lady. I have done henna on my belly, belly casting, tattoos while pregnant(i didn't know i was pregnant at the time).I have had natural births, epidurals, a long list of drugs, pitocin inductions, natural Castor oil inductions. My labours have been from 2 days to 30 minutes (that one was the best.. thanks goodness for my Mother that day). My husband has been by my side(once... but he compared me to a bovine so he doesn't get invited anymore) and my Mother the other five, My aunt was with my once.. for the most natural and most active of them..
My point... This is exciting! Each pregnancy is different, each birth is different. Each baby is TOTALLY different and each grows into a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person...
I believe that every experience builds our babies... I cant wait to see what kind of baby the next 7 months will build!!
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