This is a picture of the LDS temple in Regina, SK..
I want to go here. To be sealed to my husband and children for all eternity... sounds pretty awesome right?
well this .....
stands in my way....
My two oldest children are interested in being baptised and becoming members of the church. My husband is also starting discussions with the missionaries in a few weeks...
Our family loves church. Its the right thing for us. LDS is the right thing for us... But that darned coffee....
Yesterday i had an interview with the Bishop, nice guy, doesn't say much. Smiles, nods, the occasional uh huh... Bad match for a chatter like me... Cause I like to talk. Told him about my habit. He said he would hate to see a cup of coffee stand in the way of our family being sealed in the temple...
yeah... So i prayerfully asked God for insight last night and i woke up with a new perspective. The temple is something that means a lot. Coffee is not. My family means everything to me. Coffee does not.
I have noticed recently that the kids and I, even though we are ALWAYS together, are distant. Weird, odd and strangely there are barriers when we talk to each other, i feel like i'm not getting threw to them. Maybe its the coffee...
Sounds odd.. but I take coffee breaks.. When we are doing a craft or having a lesson i say "okay mommies going to go sit and have her coffee. you guys keep crafting and mommy will be back." I'm just an ear shot away but i have disengaged. i'm not really listening to them anymore.
So we had a family meeting and i described the Word of Wisdom to them, No alcohol and drugs. Super easy, its never been a habit or an issue for either Superman or myself. (I know i talk about turning to the rum all the time in my posts but its just a joke.) I explained about coffee and that they are more important than anything else in the world to me. But i needed there help and encouragement to break my awful habit. So I directed Big Dog to no longer make my coffee when i ask him. I printed out a picture of the Regina Temple to paste on my fridge to remind me to keep my eye on the prize!
So we will see how it goes...
Who needs the "CUP A JOE" not I said Supermom!!!
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