I have been reading a book, Created to be his helpmeet by Debi Pearl, Its a christian based book about how to be the best wife you can be.
When i first started reading it, i had my defenses up, SUBMIT to your man?? Offer to take off his shoes at night? are you serious? Make the children believe his is the most perfect dad ever even when he isn't???
I was perplexed....
After lots of prayer and thought i am starting to see the light. Lets think shall we... Without daddy we would have.... ... I would have no best friend, No one to look forward to coming home, No one to tell me I'm pretty, No way to pay the bills, no daddy for our babies, no one to lift the heavy stuff, or bring me back down to earth when i get crazy ideas...I wouldn't be able to home school our children, fix their teeth, send them away to camp, even keep the lawns mowed...
I would be lost without him ...
So really is it so much to look nice when hes home, make him a nice meal, mind my ps and qs and let him tell me about his day before i tell him about mine? Really our situation is a bit unusual because our time together is 14 days gone and then 6 days of 24hrs a day contact then another 14 days gone.
So i would have to keep up this beautifulness for a week straight but lets face it... i have dreads... theres not a whole lot of style there... so to throw on a dress or a skirt instead of a pair of jeans isnt that much trouble is it?
Not really...
So i bought a few dresses... actually a dress and a skirt and two girly type shirts.
The skirt... (my size) is apparently NOT my size because i bulge and its really icky... one of the shirts managed to make me very self conscious about my arms because they barely fit through the holes... the other shirt.... looks super nice...
The dress... I will wear for years to come i am sure. Its pretty. Knee length, navy blue with white polka dots, rather vintage looking. I like it. So now i have to lose a few lbs around the center and get into that other skirt...
Back to the book...
Honor and Respect your husband. Sounds obvious, obviously you respect your husband right?? I mean everyone deserves dignity, respect and to be treated in an honorable way. I treat everyone with honor....
or do I??
I have contemplated and came up with some embarrassing facts...
I swear at my children on occasion...
I put myself before my husband most of the time but for some weird reason i never put myself ahead of our children...
I resent having to repeat myself.
I prefer not to be alone with my children when we go out
I belittle them..
I use guilt to get my way...
I am trying to change these things... no ones perfect... we could all use a little work and so
I am cheerful (even when i don't feel like being cheery) I smile, I praise them all as much as i can.
I am stern... I no longer expect them to remember anything i have told them to do so when i need something done i expect it done RIGHT NOW! (brush your teeth, bring your laundry down)
I am trying to put my husband ahead of myself, this is probably the hardest thing to do for me. Because most of the time he isn't here to be put first. However, When he IS here we will work by his schedule, do what he chooses and do as he asks of us.
One part of me says "Good, your finally getting this grown up thing, your gramma would be proud."
The other part says "You what? This is NOT the way your mama raised you, stand up for yourself woman!"
But for now and hopefully for good i will ignore the later and focus my efforts on being his helpmeet. Who knows it could end up being just as glorious and blessed as the bible states.... and that is something I WILL be very proud of.
Blessings to all
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