Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When your truck hits 200,000 kms........

Yesterday morning I was able to scoot out of the house sans kiddos for lunch with mum, it was.. refreshing... We used to go out every time Mr. Rigger came home but not as of late, so it was extra special.

While I was driving i noticed what i thought was a rubbing feeling under my foot just behind where the drivers front tire would be.. I called Mr. Rigger he stated " well... it shouldn't do that.. i don't know what it is..." So I continued on my way... assuming that since Mr. Rigger said it shouldn't do that.. it would stop... highway driving home... it didn't do it anymore.. I figured, maybe the truck heard me on the phone and knew it better stop it...

The day continued and the girls and I headed back to the city to drop off Mr. Rigger at the airport. We stopped to drop off his safety goggles to get Rx lenses and then grabbed a coffee... Mr. Rigger noticed a thump noise and clunk feeling beneath his foot behind where the drivers tire is....

He got out and looked.... nothing.... drove a bit... clunk.... got out and looked.... nothing.... hmmmm..... when we accelerate from stopped.... it clunks... but while driving at highway speeds you don't notice it... interesting.... by the time we reached the airport Mr. Rigger had come to the conclusion through pushing buttons and turning dials that there was something wrong inside the transfer case... He thinks the front end is gone... It squeals and clunks in 2WD so if I want to drive silently I have to drive in 4WD... not efficient... bad for truck as well.... I "white knuckled it" all the way home... the trucks power steering doesn't seem the best either, it seems to be pulling to the drivers side... and one month post accident.... no 4WD on the rode I rolled mums car.... in the mud.... if i wasn't afraid of the truck being able to go again once stopped I would have pulled over to vomit! I drove the 10 kms of gravel going 25kms.... oh and the whole time this is going on..... Birdie Gail.... terrified of driving....... SCREAMED from the Regina city limits all the way to the driveway.. as soon as she saw the house... FINE!

It was....


I felt last time Mr. Rigger left that maybe somehow he had made it so I wouldn't leave the house while he was gone (His dream) and this time I am stranded again..... Perhaps I'm on to something! (he assures me I'm just paranoid)

So the children will be heading to the Conexus Art Center today to see a stage production of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" It should be super fun! We were all going to go but with no truck.... It will be gramma taking the four older ones and myself at home with little munchkins... Maybe I can get some sewing done or something... I think they are going to have a good time...

I will send the camera, maybe gramma can shoot a picture or two for us.

Here's hoping for a good day.....

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