Saturday, October 22, 2011


10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
 11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
 12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
 13She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
 14She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
 15She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
 16She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
 17She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
 18She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
 19She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
 20She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
 21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
 22She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
 23Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
 24She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
 25Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
 26She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
 27She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
 28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
 29Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
 30Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
 31Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Now I know that  LDS women (and men for that matter) don't usually get tattoos. But I will put it this way. I felt the need to remind myself on a continual basis why I am here. This Bible verse helps me to remember not to feel sorry for myself that my husband works away from home  and is absent  more than he is present. It helps me to  be strong. To remember that there is more that just the days to dos in store for me. That Heavenly Father loves me and that  one day my children will rise up and call me blessed and my husband also. It is a constant (being on my left forearm) reminder, whenever i do a dish or load the washer, clean a wound  or change a diaper i remember there is a plan for me.

And i believe that its between me and Heavenly Father. So if you disagree with my choice that's between you and Heavenly Father.

Blessings to all

A chance to blog.

Here we sit at 2am.. The cough has over taken the littlest and she hacked her way to vomitting about half an hour ago. So a bottle of juice and an episode of the backyardigans on Netflix is the best medicine i can provide. Poor baby I myself have hacked so long these past few days that i felt like vomitting but never actually did. She will heal and be back to her old self soon i'm sure.

Today was a good day. We attempted to burn off some weeds in the yard but found it was to wet. So we weeded a whole lot of garden and piled it to wait for Superman to burn while hes home next week.
It was nice to get something done in the yard! It was a beautiful day. At 15 degrees no one on the Saskatchewan prairie can complain at this time of year. Apparently it is to be like this all weekend, then return to prairie weather by monday.

Every year on Halloween since we have been here (2007) it has snowed. It will be our first year if it stays nice this year that the snow stays away all the way into November. Heres hoping!

I have to say the days here have become very busy (not that they ever aren't) our week is full of "things"

Monday- School
Tuesday School, Big Dog Scouts in Regina, Ms.Proper Young Women's in Regina Bi-weekly.
Wednesday- School, 1 Pm Horse back riding for Big Dog, Ms. Proper, Monkey, and the Prim.
Thursday- School, Beavers for Monkey and the Prim, Cubs for Ms. Proper, and Big Dog is an Activity Leader for their Beaver Group.
Friday- School.
Saturday- Major House cleaning.
Sunday- Church in Regina.

Now that is of course a perfectly executed week. Put Doctors appointments, Dentists, Food shopping, outside chores, getting Superman to and from the airports and all the other things that life brings. I have been finding it very hard to keep it together.

Never before have we had to BE SOMEWHERE so much. I am hoping that as the weather grows colder our "Other stuff" will settle down and we can concentrate on the Scouts and Horseback riding while it lasts. We have been very lacks with the School so far this year. I usually don't get to serious about "book work" until it gets cold out.. It just usually gets cold a lot sooner. So we have been soaking up the suns rays while they are accompanied by green grass and light breezes as opposed to blankets of snow and harsh winds.

Heres hoping all the days are well with all of you and that you are all finding your rhythm in these beautiful Autumn days.

   One of the fabulous places we visited at the beginning of the month on our Vacation to BC.
The beautiful Pipers Lagoon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It began with the dear Birdie getting a runny nose, then a gooey eye... Then J-Bear followed withe the same... Then the Prim with a cough and nightmares.... Monkey with a cough... J-Bear still sick began coughing and then..... then....... I got sick!!!

I never get sick!!!

I have the gooey eyes and everything! Sore throat... Cough that wont quit. Its not fun. I have a Vick's humidifier running 24/7, Buckley's (the kid stuff) for the older ones and Tylenol for the younger.

Some good things have come from this... Birdie can blow her nose on her own now and she is yet to be two. J-Bear has slowed down a bit the past few days which has been delightful for me.

O crud.... somebody just hit the floor... rolled out of bed....

 One day i will get this Blog up to date...

Have a good night!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

It was my birthday today. I am 30 now. Hmm... Time sure flies... I had a wonderful birthday. Big Dog made me breakfast, and lunch and DINNER! The rest of the kids made me pictures and gave me hugs and kisses all day. What more could i ask for!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Space clearing... and a little prayer...

I worked on the laundry room yesterday and managed to fill 3 large Black garbage bags with clothes for the Salvation army, then i still had some energy and a need to keep moving (I'm sick this week but i know if i just loaf around and lie down it will linger, so i am trying to power through it) so I took on the linen closet.... Now i say "closet" But its actually more like half my bedroom. We love blankets and sheets around here! I managed to fill two large black garbage bags from that area, I also was able to remove one of the dressers that housed all these linens and put it in the garage.

Then around lunch time Superman and I took J-Bear into Toys R Us and he picked out a wooden train for his birthday. We took Superman to the airport and had a cup of tea and cookies. Then we bud farewell to daddy for another long stint. When he left he was telling the kids 14 sleeps and i will be home but by the time he caught his connection in Calgary he was mentioning that since he gets 3 weeks off around Christmas (just the way the schedules worked out) that he should probably stay in... So its probably more like 5 weeks or 35 more sleeps until daddy comes home.

That's life!

I have made some assignments for myself while he is gone... I need to gyprock the one bare wall we have and mud and tape all the drywall i have done up to now (kitchen, living room, patching most rooms) and i also bought some grout to re grout our bathroom vanity.
All of that along with more space clearing and teaching our kids should keep me very busy indeed.

While Superman was home we were able to sit down and plan a budget based on his 12 month income (since pay cheque to pay cheque is too unpredictable) It is modest... a little challenging but i hope and pray i can stick to it...

Per pay cheque we are looking at
350.00 for food
200.00 for gas
75.00 on clothes
200.00 for school/lessons/outings etc...

and the rest goes to tithing, savings, and house bills.

I am hoping that this loan Superman is looking at goes through in the next few days. It would be such a HUGE improvement to our home. Pulling off all the old stucco, re sheeting the exterior and insulating it. Installing Siding, facsia, eaves, downspouts, new windows, maintenance free for some of the existing windows, and fixing the leaks into our basement...

Lord we pray PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... allow us to finish our modest home and incur some debt that we feel we can afford for the greater good of our home and family. If this shall be so. So be it. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Now if this loan doesn't come through... You may be reading blog posts about me scaling the side of the house (with a fear of heights) to re sheet and insulate the exterior walls of our bathroom and Big Dogs bedroom. Without these repairs we will have to close off that side of the house and be WITHOUT A BATHROOM. for the winter (YUMMY). Or maybe you will be reading blog posts about me attempting to install a toilet in the middle of our basement, and requesting that the kids sponge bath in the kitchen sink....

Only time will tell.... I PRAY pray pray pray pray that the situation improves in the next few days...

Feel free to pray for us.... It cant hurt!

Hoping you all a fabulous day. I am picking up drywall and schooling today... It should be delightful!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Baptism August 2011

Here are the pictures of my husband and two of our children at their baptism. The church was so accommodating in having them all baptised in one day. I am so thankful that they chose to be baptised! I have already seen changes in them all. I know that our church is true and I know that with prayer even the hardest hearts can be softened and brought to Heavenly Father.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A new wave....

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

In church today I was able to meet with the bishop and receive my temple recommend. What a wonderful thing. It did make me think though...

He asks as his last question if there is any reason why you think you are not worthy of entering the Lords temple? Hmmm... well that's a loaded question.

I never feel worthy! I should be a more supportive wife and a less selfish mother. I should seek the Lord more diligently, be a better example for my children (be more obedient, more forgiving, more cheerful), I ought to walk more willingly with faith...

The Bishop tells me that he feels as though we all have concerns in our lives that we wish we could change but that the Lord knows that and he realizes that we are imperfect.

If only we were all so willing to accept our imperfections!

I digress....

So i received my temple recommend.. I believe that receiving this blessing has made me want to work harder to be a better saint.

I pray daily to have more babies and to fill our home with love and order....

I think I have been giving a blessing.. One that involves preparedness.. I had an epiphany after speaking to the bishop today that I am Soooo NOT ready to have more children in our home... Now by this i mean our home is FULL... of STUFF! Mostly unneeded... things that are taking up room and making mommy a little crazy in the process.... We need to clear space!! To organize things and keep only those things that are precious to us!

My children are so precious to me! I want to teach them and be with them everyday... But we seem buried under piles of laundry to do, beds with multiple blankets to make, toys on the floor that no one will claim, dishes, dishes, dishes!

Our house is loud! Despite the sound of 6 children living, there are dryers, and washers, water pumps, refrigerators, doors slamming, vacuums, flies buzzing, fans, the radio, dishes crashing together. We need to clear our home so that we can clear our minds!

So this is my new path... Clear it out... Only keep what we need or the few things that are very important to us. I'm going to Value Village a lot of it, Ebay some of it, and maybe Usedregina a bit.

Superman and I have decided to move back to the Island at some point in the future.... Like the fall of 2012 so that is my other motivation.. We have to fit mums house and mine in a 26 ft truck and a 8X12 trailer..... that's not a lot of room....

Will keep you posted on progress!

Hoping to post this week on the baptism from this summer and of my brothers wedding.... stay tuned!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Back in the habit

We have returned home from our vacation. It was delightful! We have been busy getting things in order for a large home renovation that will HOPEFULLY happen in the next few weeks. We have been cleaning the yards and getting things fixed up for winter as of late. Superman is only home until Monday and then who knows when he will be back again, surely not before it snows. (This is Saskatchewan and it is October so there will be snow!)

Had some dissapointments this week. A loan that we were sure we got, is still being reviewed and we most likely didnt get....

Had our appointment at the Ministry of Children and Families to submit our Adoption Application. Turns out all the PRIDE training (30 hours of required training) is booked up until possibly January... maybe later... and since superman is rarely home it will probably take until June for him to finish.. So no matter what we are looking at probably a year (Best case senario)

I'm not pregnant... been 30 some odd days since last cycle and nothing... Negative negative negative!!!

Frustrating and depressing!

Will update some pictures soon.. Once Superman heads back to work i should have more time to blog...

Wishing all of you well..